0 コメント数 シェア ポテトテトチップの袋を抱えてテレビの前にどーんと陣取ってる太ったおっかさんたちだよ。これらがぶつくさ文句を言っとるわけだ。やれ細いモデルは醜いとね。夢と幻想の世界なのだよファッションは。丸々とした姿なんぞ見たくもないね。 These are fat mummies sitting with their bags of crisps in front of the television,saying that thin models are ugly,Lagerfeld said in an interview with Focus magazine.The creative director of the fashion house chanel added that the world of fashion was all to dowith dreams and illusions,and no one wants to see round women.
0 コメント数 シェア ポテトチップの袋を抱えてテレビの前にどーんと陣取ってる太ったおっかさんたちだよ。これらがぶつくさ文句を言っとるわけだ。やれ細いモデルは醜いとね。夢と幻想の世界なのだよファッションは。丸々とした姿なんぞ見たくもないね。 These are fat mummies sitting with their bags of crisps in front of the television,saying that thin models are ugly,Lagerfeld said in an interview with Focus magazine.The creative director of the fashion house chanel added that the world of fashion was all to dowith dreams and illusions,and no one wants to see round women. 5 タグ